GPS Global Projects Services


GPS is one of Global Companies, which specialized in operation, maintenance, installation, development, Commissioning and pre-commissioning for the oil and gas, petrochemical, fertilizer, electricity, water and cement sectors, among others. GPS wide range of services includes, but is not limited to, long-term operation and maintenance, overhaul of high-tech plant equipment, and development of plant-specific standard operating and maintenance procedures. Which is known to require a great deal of innovation and many technical approaches.

Pre-commissioning, commissioning & start up


GPS executes a planned, safe pre commissioning services to expedite and accelerate the project completion and transfer to the operational “phase”.

GPS has the experience to provide top notch Pre-commissioning & Commissioning activities on behalf of the owner with the licensors.

GPS provides the necessary pre commissioning tests to assess the user compliance with design, operation & connection conditions, which must be carried out prior to commissioning. In addition to execution, planning, procedures and evaluation services, including cleaning of pipes, blowing, flushing, mechanical cleaning of vessels, tanks and no load test runs of rotating equipment motors.

Commissioning & Startup

GPS has its own Software for commissioning and startup procedures.

Managing Commissioning and Completions projects on behalf of our clients.

GPS provides a comprehensive service for the management and delivery of projects through the Mechanical Completion, Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning, Start-up Assist and Handover phases of projects.

Supporting our clients to manage the transfer from Completions, Commissioning through to Startup”.

GPS provides a support team of Completions and Commissioning Engineers as well as other support functions to assist our clients during the Start-up phase of a project.

Provision of Engineers and specialists to deliver and support our client’s new and existing project Completions and commissioning activities.