GPS Global Projects Services
Maintenance Planning & Software
GPS is one of Global Companies, which specialized in operation, maintenance, installation, development, Commissioning and pre-commissioning for the oil and gas, petrochemical, fertilizer, electricity, water and cement sectors, among others. GPS wide range of services includes, but is not limited to, long-term operation and maintenance, overhaul of high-tech plant equipment, and development of plant-specific standard operating and maintenance procedures. Which is known to require a great deal of innovation and many technical approaches.

Maintenance Planning & Software
Maintenance management may be a key strategic variable in the search for waste that will eventually lead to a strong competitive advantage. Leading companies understand the need to link production planning with maintenance planning activities in order to reduce waste. Waste is inherently greater if production and maintenance plans are not tied up or made poor or not closely followed.
The great developments in computer science in general have affected most areas of business and industry, including the field of maintenance planning and management. The use of Computerized Maintenance Management Systems, referred to as CMMS, has become a prerequisite for successfully obtaining and maintaining certifications such as ISO and QS.
The CMMS has become a common concept for modern maintenance. The deployment of software and hardware to support different areas in facilities and plants, especially with fewer personnel, is no longer the exception, it is the rule. The number of plants and facilities with software systems has been increasing each year, but there are varying levels of reported results with each new system deployed. This is of concern because new computerized systems often replace old systems that were perceived as not living up to their advertisements
GPS has a special team for maintenance planning and CMMS activities covering all tasks and tasks related to the process of software selection, implementation, development, Data Gathering Engineers, maintenance work instructions (MWIs), routine planning and scheduling, resource allocation, material coding and grading, work order management process, in addition to closing activities, maintenance planning and CMMS tasks can be summarized As follows:
- Prepare plans for all types of maintenance activities, like routine maintenance, major inspections, Condition monitoring, etc.
- Fulfillment all activities of a software life cycle, develop & implement software programs for CMMS/maintenance supportive activities, and any applications achieving different clients’ requirements
- Provision of a substantive contribution to further enhancements of the software programs & maintenance activities in coordination with relevant sectors in the company.
- Provision of effective Planning service for Maintenance Activities.
- Provision of an effective Planning service for Shutdown & Major Inspection Activities.
- Monitoring & Development of Maintenance key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
- Consultation services with other parties.
CMMS Scope of Services
CMMS Software Development and Implementation including:
- Database Administration
- Provision & Installation of our Tailored, Self-Developed Software Applications.
- Project Planning & Management.
- CMMS Projects’ Activities.
- Engineering and Data Gathering Activities.
- Implementation activities. Project Monitoring & Follow-up Technical Support.
- Manpower Supply.
Database Administration
GPS has qualified personnel who are:
- Oracle Database Administrators.
- SQL Server Database Administrators.
- Professional Software Developers
Software Package Supply & Installation Infrastructure Review
Review the availability, sizing & matching exercise for the Database, Hardware and Network (LAN, Internet, Intranet) infrastructure with the recommended configuration.
Application Installation
Once the Database engine has been installed on the server, software application package will be installed and tested. The package will also be lunched on the CLIENT core team workstations as well as in the training Lab.
Project Planning & Management
GPS Consultants will assist you in all phases of the planning process:
- Operational Reviews & Audits
- Site Assessments
- Project Scooping & Definition
- Application Requirements & Specifications Development
- Implementation Plans & Strategies
Our consultants work closely with CLIENT project team, which should represent different areas of its organization.
Resources Management
GPS Consultants will assist you in all phases of the planning process:
- Operational Reviews & Audits
- Site Assessments
- Project Scooping & Definition
- Application Requirements & Specifications Development
- Implementation Plans & Strategies
Our consultants work closely with CLIENT project team, which should represent different areas of its organization.
Helps extend the value of applications by connecting it to the client other enterprise applications and to day-to-day operational systems.
Workflow Design
In a series of workshop settings, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and workflow processes are designed and documented. Once developed, each procedure is mapped to a series of CMMS system functions such as work requests, work orders, or purchase orders.
- Progress and Performance Analysis
- Reporting and Analysis
- CMMS Projects Activities
- Project Engineering Activities
Data Gathering
GPS will start the data gathering phase according to the provided data gathering sheets. Data shall be gathered for client business units.
Data Analysis
GPS will review the collected data for insuring data integrity & consistency.
Data Coding
Coding structure is designed to give simple compact meaningful designation that meets three criteria:
- Support the software to execute various transactions at reasonable speed.
- Assist the user to identify coded item.
- Correlate to existing codes in use by the Company such as engineering codes and numbering of plant units and systems, for equipment types …etc.
Master Plan Overview
GPS will create the project’s master plan. Project Implementation Activities
GPS will start the implementation activities by co-ordinations with the clients.
Utilizing the professional capabilities of GPS experienced personnel, the training services shall involve the client’s core team -act as representative of the business areas affected by the application- in addition to the end users identifying what functions they will require.
Application Configuration & Customization
The core application are configured and customized to meet CLIENT’s requirements. Activities include but are not limited to: Screen customization, Database reconfiguration, Custom application deployment, and Reports Design.
Data Tuning & Verification
GPS Consultants will study & verify the collected data in the electronic copies data gathering sheets to indicate the major comments to be filtered & tuned by client team.
Data Uploading/Migration
GPS will Upload/migrate the final completed Electronic Data Sheets into the application database.
System Commissioning & Startup
The startup phase includes all of the tasks associated with moving from design, development,
and testing to full production use of the application.
Project Monitoring & Follow-up
- Continuously ensure that the project activities are progressed according to plan.
- Look for deviations from the plan.
- Ensure common understanding & good communication between project stakeholders.
- Report project performance to top management and client.
- Make sure that project activities are performed according to the quality standards listed in the planning phase.
- Conduct regular follow up meetings.
Technical Support
Mostly, Annual Client’s Support Plan (ACSP) is started from the software installation date. ACSP Services includes:
- Installation of new enhancement & upgraded versions of applications if requested during the ACSP.
- Help Desk Function.
- Provide technical support on development of new reports.
Manpower Supply
Supply of daily rate planners/developers to follow up application usage performance & utilization.
Self-developed Software Applications
• G MAINT V 1.0 – Maintenance Software (Ver 1.0) • G MAINT V 2.0 – Maintenance Software (Ver 2.0) • G CTS – Commissioning Tracking System • G DMS – Document Management System G RMS – Reliability Management System •G RBI – Risk Based Inspection | • G KPI – Key Performance Indicators • G TA – Tools & Asset Management • G FU – Follow Up • G CV – Curriculum Vitae • G MMS – Material Management System • G ITS – Invoice Tracking System • G PPE – Personal Protection Equipment |